7+ Sooji Recipes for Babies, Toddlers and Kids | Can I give sooji to my baby?

Yes, Suji or rava is a safe and excellent food that can be added to your baby’s diet. It keeps them full and will help in overall development. It is one of the easily digestible foods for babies.

When Can I give Sooji to my baby?

Though Sooji is considered one of the first foods of the baby, it is advisable to slowly start giving sooji after the baby is 7 months old. It can be digested very easily and given the smooth texture, the baby can easily swallow it without needing to chew anything. The nutritional value of sooji is good enough for a good start of solids for babies.

What is Sooji?

Sooji or rava is granulated wheat which is also called Semolina. It is a staple food that is consumed widely in India while it goes into the making of pasta in Italy. It can be used to make both sweet and savory dishes. It has a very friendly texture and is smooth on the palette while cooked. It is a staple that can be easily and quickly cooked and is hence a household staple in most Indian homes. Any quick recipe can be made using sooji or rava in just minutes as it takes very little time to cook.

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Nutritional Value of Sooji

Can I give sooji to my baby?

Benefits of giving Sooji to my baby

  • Sooji is a good immunity booster as it has Selenium.
  • Sooji is rich in fiber and is hence easy on the bowel.
  • Sooji has a considerable amount of iron and can prevent anemia.
  • Phosphorus and magnesium in Sooji help in bone development as well as neural development.

How to give Sooji to my baby?

To start with, Sooji can be given in the form of porridge. You can check out how to make Sooji Rava Porridge here. We at Tots and Moms are committed to helping moms nourish their babies with utmost care. We have a wide range of recipes that can be made easily by using Sooji or Rava. These recipes can be slowly added to a baby’s diet as they grow and will surely bring in a balanced eating routine.

7+ Suji Recipes for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids

Suji for babies is one of the easiest foods to give to babies. It is not only easy to cook but is also easy on the baby’s tummy. It can be digested easily and can help in the overall development of the baby. On the whole, sooji is a hassle-free staple for babies.