White Patches in Kids face – Reason,Care, and Remedy

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What are these White Patches?
Have you noticed those puzzling white patches on your child’s face and felt that instinctive concern? As a parent, I’ve been through the same worry. In school-going kids, it’s a common sight, and the confusion with conditions like leucoderma or vitiligo can be overwhelming. But fear not; these patches are often a harmless skin condition known as Pytiriasis Alba.
Having navigated this with my own child, I understand the concern and want to share some insights. Pytiriasis Alba typically affects kids aged 3 to 16, mostly on the face but can extend to the neck, shoulders, and arms. The patches initially appear as pink or red and later evolve into faint, light-colored spots. While they are generally harmless, they can be a cause of concern for parents. My personal experience has taught me that these patches are not painful but may become itchy at times.”
Tips to Treat these White Patches
1. Deficiency
There is no exact cause to these white patches it is observed that it can be majorly due to nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E can cause white patches on the skin. Eat fruits and veggies.
2. Moisturize
Moisturize the skin with non-scented emollients or creams.
3. De-Worming
It is not majorly caused due to worms, but de-worming every 6 months is recommended.
When to visit a Doctor?
These white patches are harmless and subside on their own eventually. It is very common in young children and there is no need to fret. Meet a doctor when you observe the below :
• Severe itching over the area
• Alteration in the color of the spot from white to red or hue
• Loss of sensitivity in the area
• The area of spots or number of spots increases a lot.
Video: White Patches in Kids face – Reason, Care, and Remedy
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