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Weaning time? Starting your baby on solids? With all excitement its good to introduce all foods we eat to them. There are few exclusions though.

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Here are certain foods not to be given until your baby turns one! The reasons are many and the most important is their system getting adjusted. Beware of Foods to be Avoided for Babies till one year

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

1. Cow’s Milk

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

As you all know, mother’s milk is the best thing for a baby as it has all the essential nutrients that are required for the baby’s growth. Cow’s milk can be great for older children and adults but it should never be given to babies below 1 year of age. The reason being cow’s milk contains high concentrations of proteins and minerals which can damage a baby’s immature kidneys. Moreover, cow’s milk contains lactose, which can cause diarrhea and other allergic reactions in the baby. Cow’s milk also doesn’t have the essential nutrients like iron and vitamin E which a baby needs during the first year.

Read : 8 Things about LACTOSE INTOLERANCE in Babies

2. Honey 

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Even though honey is considered beneficial but it is highly recommended not to feed honey to babies during the first year. The reason being honey can carry harmful bacteria called clostridium botulinum which can cause botulism which can lead to paralysis, breathing difficulties, and death in some cases. It is best to wait until your baby’s first birthday to serve honey.

3. Sugar 

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

White sugar is nothing but refined sugar which contains harmful chemicals that can raise the risk of diabetes and obesity in children. Excess sugar consumption can cause tooth decay in babies and also reduce their immunity power. If you are looking for what to substitute for sugar in baby food then it is best to use Fruit purees, Dry Fruit purees, Dates Powder or Dates Syrup.

4. Salt

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

A baby’s salt requirement per day is less than 1 gram a day. Breast milk and formula provide enough sodium, so any extra salt can do harm to their body. Your one-year-old’s kidney is not fully developed to cope with large amounts of sodium so it is best to avoid salt till they turn 1. It may lead to kidney diseases, early hypertension in kids, respiratory issues, and weaken the bones causing osteoporosis.

 5. Sea Food

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Seafood is a possible allergen and should be avoided till the baby is at least one year old. Moreover, certain seafood carry a high level of mercury and other contaminants that can affect the nervous system of the baby.

6. Egg White

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Eggs are a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals but they are not recommended for babies under the age of one. The proteins in egg yolks are rarely a source of allergens but the proteins in egg white can cause an allergic reaction if it is introduced at an early age.

Read : 5 Egg Recipes for Babies

Foods to be given in moderation

7. Wheat

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Due to allergens in wheat, it is recommended not to feed your baby anything made with the wheat till they are one. Wheat also contains gluten, which is a protein that is difficult for babies to digest. If your baby has a wheat allergy, he/she will grow out of it by the time they turn one year old.

Read : Gluten Allergy in Babies, Gluten Free Foods

8. Citrus fruits

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Citrus fruits such as oranges being highly acidic and high in Vitamin C, can cause acid reflux and stomach upset in babies. It is best to wait until 1 year to introduce it, but in case you offer before that, make sure you offer just a little at a time.

9. Berries

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries all contain a protein that is hard for babies to digest. Even though berries are a great source of Vitamin C they are quite acidic and can harm the digestive system of the baby. Make sure whenever you offer these, it should be small pieces.

10. Nuts & Seeds

6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year hindi kannada

Nuts and seeds are not only allergic but they also pose a big risk as a choking hazard, as babies under one year of age are unable to bite and chew everything. Make sure you give the baby the foods that can easily dissolve in their mouth or give it as a powder form.

Read : Dry Fruits Powder for Babies, Nuts Powder for Babies

Nuts Powder for Babies, Toddlers, Kids & Family

Video: 6 FOODS TO BE AVOIDED for Babies till one year

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